Monday, February 06, 2006

Christmas 2005

Here we are 6 weeks ago (already! my life!), having Christmas lunch on Balmoral Beach. Well, not exactly on the beach, but on the steps down to it under the shade of a very convenient large tree. This is now an annual tradition, so much so, we ar considering putting in for land-rights!

My sister (finally) came to see me at Christmas, after 11 years of nagging! Just because I moved to the other side of the planet. Anyone would think it was a long way away or something!

Here we are having a post lunch prom around the wharf. Beats freezing your nuts off in jolly old Blighty any day!

The day before we were Christmas shopping at Bondi Beach Golf club - the parents are addicted. Then we had to show Lisa the beach itself. Maybe not the best beach in the Eastern suburbs but easily the most well known.

Lisa and Wiwat at Bondi Beach


Blogger Lisa said...

and only another 6 years of nagging to get me to come back again. See you in 2 weeks xx

3:00 am  

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