Sunday, September 14, 2014

US Trip #3

This time Dallas (for a work conference) and then New York to visit Nik again and to attend a wedding.

Kristen, who I have known since Neil (see US Trip #1) started dating her sister Robin, was getting married to her fiance Rob in Tarrytown (about an hour north of NYC by train - a nice trip following the Hudson River).  Those of you watching the Sleepy Hollow series on TV already know where Tarrytown is because they are neighbouring towns.

The wedding was at a wonderful old farm in the country.  Originally part of a Rothschild estate, the farm supplied food to the main house.  Now it is a function centre.  The wedding was held outside on a balmy late-summer evening, drinks were served in the Kitchen Garden followed by dinner in the converted barn.  Very nice and I am grateful to Kristen and Rob for inviting me.  It was also nice to finally meet Robin and Kristen's other two sisters Kaethe and  Leslie.

Kristen nd Robs Wedding
Figure 1: Kristen and Rob's Wedding


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